Increasing Job Site Productivity

Professional reputation and profit are widely considered to be inextricably related to job site productivity. If your team and equipment aren’t performing to the best of their ability, it is highly likely that things will slow down. And when one essential component of a project slows, the rest will inevitably follow suit.

However, there are smart strategies that you can put in place in order to enhance job site productivity and keep project costs down. When executed correctly, these practices will function to expand profit margins, allow for more competitive job bids, and reflect well on your brand in ways that will encourage repeat business and referrals.

Many of the below tactics also reduce the long-term costs associated with matters such as equipment repair and replacement, and even employee turnover; people that work on smart, sensible, effective, well-managed teams have considerably higher job satisfaction.

So, here are some effective ways in which ensure your jobs run like well-oiled machines.

How to Achieve Higher Job Site Productivity

Analyse productivity during every project, paying close attention to when it declines.

Soon, patterns should emerge that will identify the aspects of your process, particular pieces of machinery, or other factors that are contributing to slowdowns.

Maintain a highly organized construction site.

This will avoid obstacles that have the potential to cause slowdowns, equipment damage, or injuries. Time should never be lost because people can’t track down the tools, equipment, or materials that they require.

Keep communication clear and constant.

Everyone should know their specific tasks, responsibilities and goals every hour of every day. Be sure to publicize all project target dates and deadlines to your entire team to keep them informed of project expectations.

Delegate smartly.

Don’t overload individual team members with more than they can reasonably and safely get done in an attempt to drive faster results. Also, make sure people are assigned to jobs that they can apply their personal strengths to.

Invest in attracting the most qualified, experienced, dependable project managers and supervisors.

Having real talent running each project is one of the best ways to complete them as safely and efficiently as possible.

Regularly acknowledge good work from your employees (on an individual and group basis) and occasionally reward it.

Offering recognition and showing appreciation is the simplest, most effective way to motivate loyalty, company pride, and better performance from your team.

Provide on-site supervisors with productivity training.

This will encourage them to be more active and attentive across the site at all times.

Supplement your team’s equipment training with extra productivity and safety training.

Remember that whilst the safest procedures might not appear to be the most efficient, protecting your workers is your responsibility and mishaps and injuries will greatly cut into productivity.

Use heavy equipment with a remote monitoring telematics system.

It alerts you to maintenance needs and performance issues, makes equipment monitoring and record keeping more efficient, and speeds up repair times.

Always enforce all safety protocols and best practices.


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